THANK YOU For Helping Us Save The Community Of Foster Park!

Thanks to your amazing support, Supervisor Matt LaVere, and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors we reached our $94,000 Goal! 

The Project

Please consider Donating Today

Together with your help and support, we can save our community!

Our community needs your help! Foster Park, a small neighborhood in unincorporated Ventura County was severely affected by the 2023 Winter Storms that slammed Southern California. Multiple homes and structures in our area were damaged, leaving many properties subject to debris flows and sedimentation from storms. 

Our primary way and only public access in and out is a road and fair weather crossing running through Coyote Creek. Because of the initial damage done on 1/9-1/10 our road remains closed, flooded, filled with silt, debris and sediment. The debris flow is approximately 5-10’ deep, 30-50' wide and approximately 2 miles long, beginning at the Casitas Dam down to the confluence of the Ventura River. In some areas the levels are so high, the silt and debris have become level (wall to wall) with the homes along the creek. (Photo of our road, top left) 

These issues leave us using a private road to get in and out of our neighborhood that is only wide enough to be one way with blind turns, switchbacks, and small drop-offs. In the event of a mandatory evacuation due to fire or flood/mud-debris slide, cars will not be able to back up or down with limited access for large emergency vehicles making our situation extremely time sensitive.

YOUR support however, is key in helping us solve this problem.

With the support of Supervisor Matt LaVere's office and in collaboration with Ventura Public Works, Watershed Protection District, NRCS/USDA, Ventura County Emergency Services Agency, Congressman Salud Carbajal's and CALOES something is being done.

In May, a proposal for this project was sponsored by Ventura Public Works and submitted by NRCS to create a pilot channel 25 ft wide and 5 ft deep, from the confluence of the Ventura River and up Coyote Creek 3,200'. This project will remove existing silt and debris, repairing our channel and providing a level of protection that was lost during this years storms, reestablishing the downstream flow. 

With this channel, our road will be freed of sediment giving us back our road crossing and protecting our homes from flooding from upcoming rains.

The total project cost is $1,500,000. 

Residents and the community of Foster Park's required cost for the project is $94,000. 

Each donation made whether it is $10, $20, $50, $100 or more, will have a direct impact on Saving Foster Park and will be used to help get us closer to our goal of $94,000

All donations are tax deductible and under the umbrella of the Ventura County Community Foundation's 501c3.

Thank you for making a difference and your support.

Without this channel many residents are in danger of losing our homes.

Your HELP is needed Now!

Please consider Donating Today to support our neighborhood!